greatness COACHING

Inspiring and equipping leaders/performers for greatness - selfless exceptionalism.

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"You see, I believe greatness is revealed in the unorthodoxy of life. It is in thinking out of the box labeled ‘comfort zone’ that we discover truth. Our box is nothing but a self-imposed prison, a trap set for unsuspecting souls. My passion in life is to set people free from their boxes. There are no boxes in a space called Utopia.”

- Dr. David L. Cook, Seven Days in Utopia, p. 108

- David L. Cook, Seven Days in Utopia, p. 108


greatness Coaching is the next level transformational step for those who have attended "greatness live" or who have read Dr. Cook's best-selling books, including "greatness" and "Seven Days In Utopia". There is nothing like it.  

Our students will be immersed in Dr. Cook's books page by page with their coach. Strategically embedded in these writings is a treasure trove of principles, concepts, and life-changing truths. These books represent Dr. Cook's four decades of coaching elite performers in the sports and business arenas.


Dr. David Cook has over four decades of experience coaching champions and elite performers in sports and business.


Bi-weekly virtual coaching sessions and immersive reading assignments targeting personal, leadership, and spiritual development.


The program is based on Dr. Cook's best-selling books, including "greatness" and "Seven Days In Utopia".


Validated through an intensive 3-year beta test with the executives of a multi-billion dollar corporation.

Your Coach

Dr. Cook hand-picked and certified Keith Leslie, our first certified “greatness coach.” They have journeyed together for 25 years, creating this vision along their trek. Keith has been a leader in the corporate world for the past three decades, coaching and developing companies of greatness. He will also be staffing our greatness coaching team going forward.

This team will be composed of graduates from our greatness coaching program and attendees of greatness Live. Our purpose is to inspire and equip you for greatness—selfless exceptionalism—for the next season(s) of your life.

The Design

  • Zoom virtual coaching sessions with Keith bi-weekly for a minimum of one year with options up to three years.

  • Each session will be 45 minutes in length. In between sessions you will be required to immerse yourself into the required readings. These readings start with Seven Days in Utopia, followed by the movie: Seven Days in Utopia staring Academy Award winner Robert Duvall, then move to Seven Days in Utopia The Sequel, and finish with greatness.

  • There will be three levels of discussion and training in each coaching encounter: personal performance principles, leadership/mentoring principles, and Biblically based faith principles. Our students are comprised of those willing to investigate the role of all three of these strategic areas within their lives.

  • Attend “greatness Live” during the year of your coaching experience. **Those who have previously attended are exempt.**

greatness COACHING


Limited Availability

A fee of $12,000 per year is required up front to be involved. Most of Dr. Cook’s executive beta group stayed for three years.

Because of the unique nature of this program, an initial interview with Keith Leslie is required. Please contact Keith at: as soon as possible to set an interview to discuss your participation in this offering and next steps to make it happen.

Exclusive Offer

Dr. Cook has six exclusive coaching slots available per year as well. A fee of $40,000 per year is required up front to secure a unique one on one coaching adventure with Dr. Cook. Those enrolled in this one-year experience will have the opportunity to roll into their second and third year as needed at the same fee per year. An initial interview with Dr. Cook is required for these slots.

Please contact Keith at: as soon as possible to set an interview to discuss your participation in this offering and next steps to make it happen.

Please contact Keith at: as soon as possible to set an interview to discuss your participation in this offering and next steps to make it happen.   

Are you passionate about the journey to greatness?

Consider providing a scholarship for a person for the program, providing them with tools, guidance, and resources to identify and pursue their unique calling to greatness. Join us in empowering a force where greatness is cultivated to inspire and equip the next generation of leaders and visionaries for selfless exceptionalism.

Email to Learn More

greatness LIVE

For those who have not taken advantage of Dr. Cook’s one day live program in Fredericksburg, Texas, please see the link below. This is a one-day intimate gathering of up to 50 people that is a unique story-telling experience based on the book greatness.  greatness Live is offered several times per year: